Professor BALASKA SMAIN’S Speech


To the entire university family of Oran 2 Mohammed Ben Ahmed.


On 08 September 2020, The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research assigned me the task of running Oran University 2 Mohammed ben Ahmed. First of all, I would like to express my deep thanks to him for all the trust he has placed in me when I was assigned to this task, which I will strive to be worthy of the task that I have entrusted not to be inherently easy, so that I am required to recruit thousands of people every day to work in a collective dynamic where everyone has to do his part while respecting the laws organized and ethics of the profession with full responsibility and above all and appreciation with mutual respect. I pledge to fully harness myself to this task with full transparency, in accordance with the laws of the organization and to make an effort in the process of improving quality and acquiring good practices. However, I will not be able to do so without the support of all members of the university family. I will always be listening, ready to dialogue and find appropriate solutions with the administrative staff of the Directorate, the faculties and the institute, we will always be drafted, always open to dialogue to find solutions to various problems. I need at this time to quickly assess the situation, and discover the strengths that I will focus on to come up with a road paper that will be presented to the scientific councils of faculties and the Institute, according to a calendar that will be determined soon, in the same context the administrative staff will work hard to establish the absolute priority: ending the current university year and preparing for the next university entry on the one hand, and ending all the projects that are in the process of completion on the other hand I have the great honor to assume the presidency of a large university that is the age of our country's independence, which has played an active role in human development and economic scent of our city and our country. I will work hard to establish a sense of belonging to the university and also improve its image and work to show my contributions to our university with certainty and confidence because I am well aware that I will have the honor of meeting Fellow professors are the only ones who are responsible for their noble tasks: teaching and scientific research. Highly qualified administrators, technicians and engineers who want to push the university forward. Students, the finest young people of tomorrow with the high goal: success in their studies and professional projects. You have to rely on opening the university on the international and international track to improve its governance and good practices.

With my brotherly greetings                  

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