"Cross-images and receptions between Algeria and France"
"We are pleased to announce the publication of this new book entitled "Images and Receptions cross between Algeria and France" published as part of the PHC Tassili 17 MDU 990 project between the University of Oran2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed and the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne and whose co-leaders are Pr. Hanane El BACHIR of the University of Oran2, and Prof. P. LABORDERIE of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne."
About the book
Born from a multidisciplinary research project, this book focuses on how Mediterranean audiences, especially in Algeria and France, receive and use media images, whether they are a pretext for polemics or promote exchanges. The proposed studies thus analyze the reception of various productions (drawing, current affairs drawing, film, web film) in various contexts (school, university, festival, cinema, television, print media, web news, social networks). They shed light on how these audiences build their cultural identity and represent North-South relations through six themes: conflicts, recent forms of slavery, migration, languages, women's relations and the role of associations and public institutions in intercultural cooperation and exchanges between France and North Africa.
Authors: Edited by Hanane El Bachir and Pascal Laborderie. Cross-images and receptions between Algeria and France
The link: www.editionscienceetbiencommun.org/?p=1409